North-eastern India at 1:1,300,000 on a light, waterproof and tear-resistant, indexed road map from Reise Know-How with topographic and tourist information. The map, part of the publishers’ highly acclaimed World Mapping Project, is double-sided to provide the best balance between a good scale and a convenient size sheet, and includes Kolkata on both sides. Coverage extends west to Lucknow and Kanpur, south along the coast to Kakinada, north to include eastern Nepal with Kathmandu and Pokhara and south-eastern Tibet with Lhasa, plus the whole of Bangladesh and Bhutan.
Topography is presented by altitude colouring with spot heights and names of mountain ranges, peaks and valleys, plus graphics for swamps, salt pans, etc. Road network includes selected local roads and tracks, indicating driving distances on main routes. Railway lines are included and local airports are marked. National parks and other protected areas are highlighted, and symbols show locations of various UNESCO sites